
Here are some materials produced from my time teaching in past years.

I apologise in advance for any errors!

Surely there will be quite a few, considering the volume of content below, many of which were produced years ago and which have not been through any rigorous fact-checking since. But at least these represented my best efforts at compiling high-quality material at the time, so hopefully it won’t be too bad!

Astronomy and Astrophysics

From my time as the trainer of the HCI team for AstroChallenge (2019-2022)
and the Singapore Astronomy Olympiad (2021-2023).

  • HCAstro (HS and NY) Interest Group regular sessions: 2019, 2021

  • HCAstro CCA regular sessions: 2021, 2022

  • Astrigue booklet — a qualitative introduction into astronomy aimed at secondary-school students, made for Astrigue, a convention jointly organised by HCI and RI

  • Introductory SAO training collected materials including lecture notes, problem sets with solutions, and mock exams (in that order). The audience is assumed to have a good understanding of secondary school-level mathematics (up to basic calculus) and physics (e.g. prior familiarity with forces), but not necessarily any experience with (astro)physics beyond the school syllabus.

  • HCAstro 2022-23 SAO Winter Training materials focusing on more advanced problem-solving. The audience is assumed to have a good understanding of basic ideas in (astro-)physics and celestial mechanics at a level similar to SPhO: Format, Rapidfire, Standard, Investigation, Solutions, Final Test.

Mathematical Physics

From the period after my participation in the Asian Physics Olympiad (2022) to present.